
The journey continues...

It's been a while since my last post. I have decided (and evidence shows!) that I'm not very good about being consistent with this thing. Oh well. I'll do what I can and maybe one day I'll be better about updating.

A few weeks ago, Bryon and I decided to take a week off from socializing with other people in order to spend time together praying in the evenings. We did this to seek the Lord's guidance for our future, but more importantly to center our relationship more on Christ. We truly desire to have prayer be a priority in our family and taking a week off to focus on that has helped us jump start that discipline. I have to say though, at the end of the week I was a little discouraged that we didn't have a major breakthrough regarding which direction we are supposed to be heading. We came up with some goals for this year but we were still just as undecided about what steps we should be taking in preparation for next year. A few of the options we were thinking about were whether or not to go to school for more education, go somewhere to receive ministry training, or go directly into working with at-risk youth.

Bryon and I have been praying for a while about moving to W.V. to work with the youth in the Appalachians. I mentioned this briefly in a previous post. It seems like we have both gone back and forth over the past few months (and rarely on the same page about it). Although we didn't get a clear answer about our future after our focused week of praying, the Lord gave me peace that He is in control and that if we're supposed to go to W.V he would make it clear to us both at the same time. I think He wanted to teach me that things don't always happen in my timing and according to my plans. I have a long way to go in learning this lesson! Over the past few weeks, we have been feeling a stronger discontent with where we are at and a strong peace to be moving forward with serving full time in W.V. I'm not really sure what this means and how long this process will take, but I'm so excited to get started on this journey! At this point, we need to figure our how much money needs to be raised as well as begin gathering some much needed prayer support. We know that gathering prayer support from our friends and family as we begin this process is absolutely vital. It is very intimidating to both of us to have to raise financial support so I know we'll need all the prayer and encouragement we can get! I'll keep you all updated as we trudge along in this process.

1 comment:

  1. You will have Chris and I to always support you in prayers and encouragement. Raising support is probably so scary but I have heard (and experienced on a smaller scale) that it is one of the most faith building experiences ever. Yay! I'm excited for you guys :)
